- Beirut, Lebanon
When one thinks of wine producing regions, Lebanon is at the top of the list. Yet, few places in the world have a longer tradition of wine-making. Wine has been made in Lebanon for at least 5,000 years since the Phoenicians domesticated grapes. Lebanon was, of course, part of the biblical land of Canaan. Jesus changed water into wine there at the wedding of Cana. Thus Lebanon is among the oldest sites of wine production in the world. It has annual production of about 600, 000 cases of wine.
Lebanese wine has created a name for itself in international markets and is considered a quality ambassador to the country abroad. The largest winery in Lebanon is Chateau Ksara.

Ksara is the oldest winery in Lebanon. It has more than 155 years of winemaking history that began with the discovery of Roman era wine caves in 1898. This discovery changed Ksara's history and consequently Lebanon's winemaking future. The Original Story campaign focuses on that legendary moment. This TVC take us back to 1898 and tells the story of how the caves were discovered. Time has created many versions of that discovery.