- WorlanyoTours
- Date: 20-01-2018
- Views : 1391
- [Cape Coast, Ghana]

The name Worlanyo is derived from a Ghanaian Ewe language, which literary means "The maker or creator is great" Who we are: Worlanyo Tours is a Ghana based Travel and Tourism Company co-founded profoundly in 2016 by Mr. Dominic Aziati, a Ghanaian, IATA certified travel Consultant and Tourism expert, with an extensive knowledge and experience in the African Travel and Tourism industry since 2003 and Madam Cynthia Johnson of the United States of America, a humanitarian by profession. We plan travel packages for all levels of travelers, from the budget traveler to the premium traveler. We offer reasonably priced, personalized, reliable, flexible and spontaneous tour packages to destinations in Ghana, Togo, Benin, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, The Gambia and Senegal combined, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and other destinations in Africa, specifically tailored to meet your travel wishes and preferences for small and big groups, individuals, families, Companies and Institutions.
- Location: Cape Coast, Ghana
- Category: Adventure Tour Operators