Kazakhstan president RK Nazarbayev has visited the proposed site for Astana Expo 2017 as construction for the global showcase continues.

The head of the state discussed the construction progress with representatives of construction companies and state bodies.


The heads of Sembol, Mabetex, BI-Group, Mega Management, and Astana Innovation were all present, along with representatives from the Kazakhstan ministry of culture, ministry of transport and communications.

This year will see preparatory works carried out at the site, while the various zones will be equipped with engineering networks.

Construction on the Kazakhstan national pavilion, international pavilion, and corporate pavilions will also begin.

In addition, there will be construction works will being on the residential estates, comprehensive school, kindergarten, hotel, congress centre and press centre, as well as the Expo 2017 organisers’ office.

Construction of complex and completion of all works is scheduled for December 2016.

The event is scheduled to run from June 10th 2017 to September 10th.


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